Counselling Services

Grief Counselling in Calgary

The experiences of grief and loss are woven into our human experience; none of us can avoid it. When a loss occurs, it can be unbearable. Please do not suffer alone. Book an appointment and begin the process of navigating these uncomfortable emotions with a comforting outside perspective.

Online & In-Person Therapy Options

Trusted by Calgarians for over 24 years

Highly-Trained & Registered Psychologists

Supporting Individuals Through the Healing Process

We Can Help You Overcome Grief

At Can’t We Just Get Along Counselling, we offer grief counselling services specifically designed to meet you where you’re at in your stage of grief. We honour the timing and pace of the grief process and allow you to access sadness in a calm, supportive environment.

Women grieving

As you move through the grieving process, we will offer reassurance so that you don’t feel alone during this difficult time. We’ll walk beside you for as long as it takes, remaining curious and patient.

Sometimes, grief may become too overwhelming. In that case, we can offer EMDR to help eliminate intrusive images and body sensations related to the loss, such as the look on someone’s face or the last words they spoke.

The ultimate goal of our grief counselling services is to provide you with the compassionate bereavement support and guidance needed to navigate the complex and challenging grief journey.

What Is Grief Therapy?

“Grief is a mountain that crushes you when it first occurs, and over time, it is a stone you carry in your pocket the rest of your life” —Author unknown

Grief is your mind’s way of coping with change, and grief counselling will help you address any kind of loss that you may have experienced and the symptoms that arise throughout the grieving process.

Our Calgary grief counsellors will help you overcome grief in an emotionally healthy way by providing coping strategies tailored to your needs and specific situation.

Man with grief therapist

Signs You or a Loved One Need Grief Counselling

Some of the most prominent signs and symptoms of grief include:
In some individuals, behaviour changes may indicate that they’re upset more than their words will.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help determine whether loved ones are experiencing grief:

Types of Grief

At Can’t We Just Get Along Counselling, we believe there are four primary types of grief that a person going through difficult life transitions may experience.

1. Complicated Loss

Complicated loss is grief that follows a challenging event with many different elements. Examples of complicated loss may include the unexpected loss of an infant, the loss of children through an accident, the murder of a family member by another family member, and other sudden losses.

2. Loss in Limbo

This type of loss is one where you aren’t sure whether the loss has occurred. Examples include not knowing the medical results of an advanced illness or not knowing whether a person will survive an addiction.
Man loss in limbo
Woman feeling anticipatory loss

3. Anticipatory Loss

Anticipatory loss is one that you know is coming. Common examples include a loved one who is living in end-of-life care or knowing a relationship is over but being unsure about how to end it.

4. Disenfranchised Loss

Disenfranchised losses are those that others do not honour. Your heart may be grieving, but you’re unable to talk about or share your pain due to stigma. You may feel sad or miserable, but the world doesn’t think you should—either because you’re not “entitled” or because it isn’t “worth it.” This is the type of grief that most clients face. Disenfranchised loss can happen for many reasons, including miscarriages, suicide, and the loss of pregnancy through an abortion.
Man feeling disenfranchised loss

Stages of Grief After Losing a Loved One

The trauma associated with experiencing loss gives way to the different stages of grief. There is no right or wrong way to grieve; each person’s pattern of grief reflects their unique way of viewing and dealing with the loss they’re experiencing.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, an expert on death and dying, explains that people pass through five different stages of grief:


”This isn’t happening to me”


“How could she leave me like that? I hate her!”


“I’ll be a better daughter/son if…”
“I don’t feel like doing anything or seeing anyone”
“I have to get on with my life”

Benefits of Grief Therapy

Grief counselling can…
Grief therapist with client

Is Grief & Loss Counselling Right For You?

After experiencing a loss, many people wonder whether grief and loss counselling can help them. Usually, the answer is yes—when it makes sense and the time is right. It’s important to understand that everyone experiences and heals from grief differently; there is no set timeline for it.

Often, dealing with loss and grief requires specialized support—it’s the most difficult psychological pain you can go through. Whether it’s the loss of a friendship, a pet, a miscarriage or young child, a stillbirth, or the death of a loved one, professional trauma counselling and referral services can help you move through the stages of grief.

Helpful Therapy Resources

The Pros and Cons of Virtual and In-person Therapy

As the world continues to change since COVID-19 and embrace technology, even the counselling field has ...
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Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Seek Couples Counselling

Like any living entity, a partnership thrives on attention, nurturing, and addressing challenges as they arise. ...
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Close-up of a couple holding hands and sitting close together while speaking with a therapist, who is writing notes on a clipboard during a PTSD couples therapy session.

PTSD Couples Therapy: How Healing Past Traumas Can Lead to a Healthier Relationship

If you or your partner are experiencing PTSD, you’re likely familiar with how it can ripple ...
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Get The Grief Support You Need

Learn healthy ways to cope with bereavement by booking a grief counselling appointment. Our grief counselling services are led by highly-trained registered psychologists from our office in Calgary, Alberta.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s look at this question another way—from the perspective of what not to do. Here are some common things you should avoid saying to someone who is going through tough times:


  • Cheer up. They’re in a better place now and wouldn’t want you to be sad.
  • Focus on all your blessings!
  • God has a plan.
  • It’s been a while—it’s time you get over it.
  • Cherish the memories, and they will bring you peace.
  • Pull yourself together because you need to be there for your family.
  • I can’t imagine what you’re going through.
  • So, how ‘bout them Flames?
Yes. There is often a function in dysfunction—and this is also true with grief. While it can be excruciatingly painful, the purpose of grief is to help us psychologically adjust to change and move forward. Particularly in situations where we do not have control, we must adjust in order to survive.

Grief affects the body physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s so important to take care of yourself throughout the grieving process, even when you might not want to. Creating a routine can help you make time for this each day.

Here are some ways that grief commonly affects the body:


  • Body aches and pains
  • Insomnia and fatigue
  • Muscle soreness
  • Foggy brain / cognitive functional impairments
  • Poor posture
  • Abdominal pain
  • Intense “Heartache”
  • Eating disturbances
  • Emotional fluctuations
  • Exacerbated medical issues

When we don’t grieve, we often face other conditions like anxiety, depression, or addiction.

Grief feels awful, but there’s a common saying: what you resist persists. If you let yourself feel those feelings of sadness, anger, shame, bargaining, and depression, they tend to subside. If you fight them, they stay locked in your nervous system, behaviours, dreams, and beliefs.

Grief takes time to heal, and everyone experiences it differently. Most people grieve in relation to the intensity of the love they had for the person or situation. One person might grieve for two months, another for a year. Some may not shed their first tear until five years later.

It’s important not to rush yourself through the grieving process—and certainly not to let others rush you through it.

Grief is a bit like a fingerprint in that it’s as unique as you are. Don’t tell yourself (or let other people tell you) how you should or shouldn’t feel. Instead, honour the emotions you have as they come. It’s healthy to sit with the grief—to feel all the feelings, letting the grief work its way through to help you adjust to change.

When looking for a grief counsellor, we recommend going to a consultation and determining if you feel compassion, non-judgment, and understanding from your therapist. If you do, you are likely on the right path to finding a suitable grief counsellor who can provide the support you need.

Absolutely. The grief psychologists at Can’t We Just Get Along Counselling are always accepting new clients, whether it be children or adults with grief or many other issues. We also offer family counselling should families be affected by the loss of a close relative.

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